

dbind is an experimental database library for C++0x. It provides template metaprogramming facilities for operating on database primitives: lists and tables.



archive dbind-0.0-20101021.tar.gz (34.61 KB; 2011-04-20)

Installing and using

cd dbind
cmake .
make install
g++46 -std=c++0x -O3 example.cc -ldbind


#include <dbind/table.hpp>
#include <dbind/display.hpp>
#include <dbind/expr.hpp>

#include <iostream>

using namespace dbind;
using namespace std;

// Define field names a and b with default types

DBIND_FIELD(b, char)

// Define the schema for a table with the two fields

DBIND_SCHEMA(s, (a, b))

int main() {

    // Creates an instance of a table matching the schema

    table<s> t;

    // Insert some rows of data

    t.push(5, 'x');
    t.push(6, 'y');
    t.push(7, 'z');

    // Display the table

    cout << display(t) << '\n';

    // Select records where a != 6

    auto t1 = t.select(_a != 6);
    cout << display(t1) << '\n';

    // Change the value of column a to a + 10

    auto t2 = t1.update<a>(_a + 10);
    cout << display(t2) << '\n';

    // Table shorthand

    auto u = make_table<b, a>(list<char>{ 'z', 'w' },
                              list<int> {  42,  43 });

    // Left join on column b

    auto t3 = t2.left_join<b>(u);
    cout << display(t3) << '\n';

    return 0;

 5  x
 6  y
 7  z

 5  x
 7  z

 15  x
 17  z

 15  x
 42  z